SpedEx is a multi-faceted group of experienced and highly knowledgeable professionals offering a variety of services for your school or district.  We provide assistance in all educational areas including Special Education compliance, assessments, workshops, Spanish translations and interpretations.  

Our team of experts can typically handle multiple initial, triennial, or independent student assessments at your sites, within one day.  For more significant needs in the area of student evaluations, an expanded team can be available to administer assessments in a prompt, yet comprehensive manner. 

Program development and consultation, as well as short-term Special Education administrative support can be provided based upon the unique needs of your school or district.  We welcome the opportunity to assist new Special Education Directors in establishing prudent financial practices, and generating critical systems to ensure sustainable and legally compliant practices. 

We offer professional development on current and relevant topics, and will customize presentations to meet the needs of your staff. Our workshops can be presented in half-days, full-days, or over multiple days, depending upon the subject matter and the needs of a district

SpedEx provides thorough, high quality, and effective consultative assistance for your school or district.  We are a one-stop shop for all of your educational needs. Contact us for a complementary consultation, or for more information about our services.